Table of Contents
Introduction: Wilfrid J. Waluchow and Elisabeth Gedge, “Ethical Resources for Decision-Making”
Chapter One: Relationships in Health Care
- Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Linda L. Emanuel, “Four Models of the Physician-Patient Relationship”
- Susan Sherwin, “A Relational Approach to Autonomy in Health Care”
- John E. Thomas, “The Physician as Therapist and Investigator”
- Ellen W. Bernal, “The Nurse as Patient Advocate”
- Kenneth Kipnis, “A Defense of Unqualified Medical Confidentiality”
- Smith v. Jones (1999) (Case Summary by C. Morano)
- Carl Elliot, “Should Journals Publish Industry-Funded Bioethics Articles?”
Chapter Two: Health Care in Canada
- Michael Stingl, “Equality and Efficiency as Basic Social Values”
- Chaoulli v. The Attorney General of Quebec and the Attorney General of Canada (2005) (Case Summary by C. Morano)
- Lawrie McFarlane, “Supreme Court Slaps For-Sale Sign on Medicare”
- Marcia Angell, “Privatizing Health Care Is Not the Answer: Lessons from the United States”
Chapter Three: Consent
- James F. Drane, “Competency to Give an Informed Consent: A Model for Making Clinical Assessments”
- Christine Harrison et al., “Bioethics for Clinicians: Involving Children in Medical Decisions”
- Barry F. Brown, “Proxy Consent for Research on the Incompetent Elderly”
- Reibl v. Hughes (1980) (Case Summary by C. Morano)
- Richard Huxtable and Julie Woodley, “Gaining Face or Losing Face? Framing the Debate on Face Transplants”
- Andrew Edgar, “The Challenge of Transplants to an Intersubjectively Established Sense of Personal Identity”
Chapter Four: Reproduction
- Christine Overall, “Reflections on Reproductive Rights in Canada”
- John A. Robertson, “Class, Feminist, and Communitarian Critiques of Procreative Liberty”
- Raymond G. De Vries et al., “Choosing Surgical Birth: Desire and the Nature of Bioethical Advice”
- M.M. Peterson, “Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Equity of Access Issues”
- Carolyn McLeod and Françoise Baylis, “Donating Fresh versus Frozen Embryos to Stem Cell Research: In Whose Interests?”
- Neil Levy and Mianna Lotz, “Reproductive Cloning and a (Kind of) Genetic Fallacy”
- Leon R. Kass, “The Wisdom of Repugnance”
Chapter Five: Fetuses and Newborns
- Don Marquis, “Why Abortion Is Immoral”
- Mary Anne Warren, “The Moral Significance of Birth”
- Susan Sherwin, “Abortion through a Feminist Ethics Lens”
- Winnipeg Child and Family Services (Northwest Area) v. G. (D.F.) (1997) (Case Summary by C. Morano)
- Peter Alward, “Ignorance, Indeterminacy, and Abortion Policy”
- Elizabeth Harman, “How Is the Ethics of Stem Cell Research Different from the Ethics of Abortion?”
- S. Sheldon and S. Wilkinson, “Should Selecting Saviour Siblings Be Banned?”
- Victoria Seavilleklein, “Challenging the Rhetoric of Choice in Prenatal Screening”
- Thomas H. Murray, “Moral Obligations to the Not-Yet Born: The Fetus as Patient”
- Mary B. Mahowald, “Decisions Regarding Disabled Newborns”
Chapter Six: Death, Dying, and Euthanasia
- Margaret P. Battin, “Euthanasia: The Fundamental Issues”
- Daniel Callahan, “When Self-Determination Runs Amok”
- Rodriguez v. The Attorney General of Canada and the Attorney General of British Columbia (1993) (Case Summary by C. Morano)
- Susan M. Wolf, “Gender, Feminism, and Death: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia”
- Jennifer A. Parks, “Why Gender Matters to the Euthanasia Debate: On Decisional Capacity and the Rejection of Womens Death Requests”
- Robert D. Truog, “Is It Time to Abandon Brain Death?”
- F.G. Miller, “Death and Organ Donation: Back to the Future”
Chapter Seven: Research Involving Human Participants
- Sam Horng and Christine Grady, “Misunderstanding in Clinical Research: Distinguishing Therapeutic Misconception, Therapeutic Misestimation, and Therapeutic Optimism”
- Franklin G. Miller and Howard Brody, “Therapeutic Misconception in the Ethics of Clinical Trials”
- Ana Smith Iltis, “Placebo Controlled Trials: Restrictions, Not Prohibitions”
- Françoise Baylis et al., “Reframing Research Involving Humans”
- Wendy Rogers, “Evidence-Based Medicine and Women: Do the Principles and Practice of EBM Further Women’s Health?”
- Udo Schüklenk et al., “The Ethics of Genetic Research on Sexual Orientation”
- Arthur L. Caplan et al., “Moving the Womb”
Chapter Eight: Scarce Medical Resources and Catastrophic Circumstances
- George J. Annas, “The Prostitute, the Playboy and the Poet: Rationing Schemes for Organ Transplantation”
- Mary Mahowald, “As If There Were Fetuses without Women: A Remedial Essay”
- Aaron Spital, “Conscription of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation: A Stimulating Idea Whose Time Has Not Yet Come”
- Michael J. Reiss, “The Ethics of Xenotransplantation”
- M.J. Selgelid, “Pandethics”
- Howard Brody and Eric N. Avery, “Medicine’s Duty to Treat Pandemic Illness: Solidarity and Vulnerability”
- Lynette Reid, “Diminishing Returns? Risk and the Duty to Care in the SARS Epidemic”
- Deborah Zion, “HIV/AIDS Clinical Research, and the Claims of Beneficence, Justice, and Integrity”
Chapter Nine: Genetics
- Garrath Williams and Doris Schroeder, “Human Genetic Banking: Altruism, Benefit and Consent”
- Immaculada De Melo-Martin, “Furthering Injustices against Women: Genetic Information, Moral Obligations, and Gender”
- Elizabeth Fenton, “Genetic EnhancementA Threat to Human Rights?”
- Lee M. Silver, “Cloning, Ethics, and Religion”
- Immaculada De Melo-Martin, “On Cloning Human Beings”
- George J. Annas et al., “Protecting the Endangered Human: Toward an International Treaty Prohibiting Cloning and Inheritable Alterations”
- Nick Bostrom, “In Defense of Posthuman Dignity”
- Christine Overall, “Précis of Aging, Death, and Human Longevity: A Philosophical Inquiry”