Custom Course Websites
Broadview Press now offers instructors using a Broadview book the option of creating custom course websites to suit their unique teaching needs. These websites are built using teaching material hosted on existing Broadview companion websites, but can also include additional material of the instructor’s choosing, so long as that material is not under copyright to a third party.
So how does it work? Access to custom course websites is restricted to registered users and offers those users materials such readings, lessons, interactive quizzes, and other resources. Students will be able to save their work between login sessions; for example, quizzes completed on a custom course website will continue to save results and feedback as long as the student remains registered. Instructors can also use these course websites to communicate with students, post quiz and assignment deadlines and create discussion boards to foster online engagement.
Quizzes offered on custom course websites can be edited to include time limits, attempt limits, and randomized answer options. Once quizzes are complete, students are given the opportunity to share results with their instructors. If our existing quizzes don’t suit your course requirements, we can work together to create new quizzes that can be added to your website. We have multiple quiz formats available, such as multiple-choice, matching and short answer.
To learn more about custom course website options and pricing, please consult with your Broadview representative, or write to