Chapter Nine: “Science Blogs: New Readers, New Voices, New Tools”

Top 100 Science Blogs & Websites To Follow in 2019. (2019, December 13). Retrieved from

Feedspot is a marketing site for bloggers and advertisers. Good resource for exemplary multimodal science-relevant blogs. Note representation of both self-sponsored and organization-sponsored blogs. Also cited under resources for Chapter Three.

Stokel-Walker, C. (2019, August 28). Worm robot could wiggle its way through arteries in the brain. Retrieved from

Example of organization-sponsored blog article that is linked to the peer-reviewed IMRD journal article from Science Robotics:

Kim, Y., Parada, A., Liu, S., & Zhao, X. (2019, August 28). Ferromagnetic soft continuum robots. Retrieved from

Note contrast in intended audiences between the blog entry and the IMRD article, as indicated by differences in language, emphasis, and style.

Best Of The Web Blogs Directory. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Index of thousands of blogs across all disciplines, including STEM fields, and hundreds of interest areas. Excellent site for comparison of blogs by design features, uses of media, rhetorical approaches, etc.

Blog of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)

Example of organization-affiliated blog that allows individuals to augment the regular publication of the UCS, Catalyst, with timely essays aimed at a broad range of readers.

The 20 Best Science Blogs

Chosen by the staff at GeekWrapped. The collection tends to highlight physics-related blogs.

Sinha, Urbasi article from the Scientific American blog (see above under Ch. 8).