Table of Contents


Part One: Just War Theory and International Law

  1. A Sweeping History of Just War Theory
  2. Jus ad Bellum #1: Resisting Aggression
  3. Jus ad Bellum #2: Non-Classical Wars
  4. Jus in Bello #1: Just Conduct in War
  5. Jus in Bello #2: Supreme Emergency and Cyber-Warfare
  6. Jus post Bellum #1: Overlapping Consensus, and Retribution
  7. Jus post Bellum #2: Rehabilitation, and Wars-Without-End

Part Two: The Alternatives

  1. Evaluating the Realist Alternative
  2. Evaluating the Pacifist Alternative


Appendix A: Sources on the Laws of Armed Conflict

Appendix B: Conceptual Diagrams of Just War Theory
