Site List
This site includes additional readings to supplement those from the book.
This site includes PowerPoint slides that correspond to material in the book.
This site features additional resources, including an essay outline tool and grammar exercises.
This website offers more than thirty recommended readings related to the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests and their cultural and historical context. It also provides a second set of explanatory notes that go beyond the footnotes included in the bound book. These notes are designed to be of particular help to students who have limited familiarity with American culture, and/or students who have learned English as an additional language—though the extra notes may offer support to any student.
This site includes study questions, a chronology, a glossary of dramatic terms, and historical documents related to drama (photos, sketches, contemporary reviews, other readings).
The anthology’s website includes well over a thousand pages of additional readings and contextual materials. These are not “add-ons” meant to be accorded a subsidiary status, but an integral part of the anthology itself, presented in the same format, and edited and annotated according to the same principles as the material included in the bound book volumes.
Though our research has suggested that most of these online authors and works are likely to be taught somewhat less frequently than those in the bound book volumes, we expect that a majority of instructors will wish to teach at least some of the selections that are to be found on the website. Our aim is to provide instructors with the widest possible range of materials to choose from, prepared to a high editorial standard, and accompanied by the widest possible range of contextual materials.
In addition to the wealth of additional readings outlined above, the anthology’s website includes a range of companion materials. Included are audio materials, an introduction to poetry analysis, and a list of contents by theme and author background.
The Online Resources Site for both students and instructors features close to 200 interactive review questions; over 500 online readings across all volumes of the anthology; details on British currency; chronological charts; bibliographies; an audio library with 37 samples ranging from Old English to the early 20th Century; and more.
This site has additional readings, interactive writing exercises, and discussion questions.
This site hosts additional readings as well as notes that may be of use to students learning English as an additional language, students who are new to Canada, and any other students who would benefit from further annotation than that provided in the bound book. The site also includes writing exercises; links to websites providing reliable information on spelling, grammar, and style; and sample student and scholarly essays in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.
The student companion site includes additional readings and quizzes.
This website contains extra readings.
This site hosts various additional resources, including a chronology, maps, an introduction to Middle English, and a selection of additional plays.
The student companion site includes sample student essays, additional readings, expository essays, a section on “Seeing and Meaning,” additional links, and 100 interactive exercises with over 1000 questions to test student understanding.
The student companion site has quizzes and discussion questions for each genre, interactive exercises, additional readings, sample essays, and citation and style resources.
- Self-test questions for each of the book’s readings, offered in an interactive format for immediate feedback
- A unique Argumentative Essay Builder, through which one can generate a complete essay outline by responding to a series of prompts
- Information on the conventions of writing in philosophy, including a list of fallacies, an annotated sample essay, and a guide to citation
- A collection of philosophical puzzles and paradoxes
- Suggestions for further reading, as well as two additional texts introduced and annotated by Andrew Bailey
- Web links
The student resource site provides useful additional material for students, general readers, and practitioners of bioethics. It includes:
- A comprehensive collection of over 200 legal cases, organized in accordance with the book’s chapters and topics; these cases will be especially useful to those who wish to examine a specific topic in greater detail for the purposes of a paper or other research project
- Selected and edited bioethics state codes for each of the 50 states
- An “Ethics Digest” containing encyclopedic entries on additional topics in ethical theory and bioethics, such as prima facie duties and social contract theory
- A collection of interactive case studies in which the reader analyzes realistic scenarios through a series of multiple choice questions
- PowerPoint slides highlighting key concepts and themes
As part of Broadview Online: Critical Thinking students can access an additional 167 review questions and glossary flashcards divided by chapter, writing tips, and a curated selection of online readings addressing issues of interest to critical thinkers. An access code to the website is included with all new copies.
This is an online resource to be used in the teaching of poetry. It may be used on its own, in conjunction with a Broadview anthology, or with any other Broadview book. (Access cards for the site may be packaged with bound books at a specially reduced price.) The How Poems Work website provides a wide-ranging, engaging resource for the study of poetry. Materials available through the site include the following:
- an extensive set of interactive exercises designed to help readers understand the workings of poetic meter
- a sound archive providing samples of poems from other eras spoken as they would have been in the English of their time
- a glossary of literary terms
- case studies of individual poems
- a selection of new commentaries by contemporary poets on how poems work
- several introductions to poetry, approaching the genre from a variety of perspectives
Jane Austen in Context is a flexible and user-friendly online research tool that provides classrooms with a wide range of materials for the study of Austen’s novels, including critical articles, visual materials, and interactive timelines and maps.
The student companion site has an interactive glossary, question and answer flashcards, and interactive case studies.
A student companion website provides answers to the even-numbered questions contained within the text.
This site contains links to supplemental readings in digital media theory, rhetoric, the philosophy of technology, and related disciplines and subjects that are central to understanding the complexities of digital media.
This site contains links to additional and expanded readings.
The student companion site features interactive self-test questions for each of the book’s chapters, as well as flashcards for use in reviewing key concepts.
This website provides useful additional material for students and nurses:
- A comprehensive collection of summarized and excerpted legal cases relevant to the practice of nursing
- Selected and edited state codes of nursing, as well as codes relevant to other aspects of health care provision
- An “Ethics Digest” containing encyclopedic entries on additional topics such as prima facie duties and social contract theory
- A collection of interactive case studies in which the reader analyzes realistic scenarios through a series of multiple choice questions
This site hosts answers to the questions included in the book.
This companion website offers a curated selection of linked readings and other materials, such as supplemental video resources.
A companion website includes recommended WAW resources, assignment supports, and links to additional readings.
Formal Logic includes a companion website for students that hosts a logic proof checker and a series of video tutorials.
This website features the following:
- A broad range of critical readings of Frankenstein
- Foundational articles by key figures in theory, from Freud to Foucault, which can be applied to the study of Frankenstein
- Discussion questions for each article on the site
- Brief introductions to common critical approaches to literature
- A collection of pertinent visual materials
This website contains chapter reading questions, helpful videos, and links to external resources.
This site contains solution sets for each chapter in the text.
This site provides an expanded version of the book’s index in PDF.
This site features practice exercises.
Marvelous Transformations offers additional readings for both instructors and students.
The companion site includes supplemental PowerPoint slides.
The student companion site includes additional readings to supplement the book.
This site hosts additional notes, discussion questions for images, and interactive writing exercises.
The student companion site provides links to web resources referenced in the book.
The student companion site has additional readings, writing materials, and interactive online questions.
This companion site for students and instructors contains links to longer versions of readings excerpted in the book.
This website contains chapter reading questions, helpful videos, and links to external resources.
The companion site includes data sets for use with the software discussed in the book.
The companion site includes additional philosophical puzzles, paradoxes, jokes, and anecdotes, as well as an entirely new chapter. A butterfly symbol in the margin of the bound book indicates where related material is available on the website.
This website includes exercises, additional sample student papers, and links to resources discussed in the book.
This website includes links to online readings, compiled by the authors, that complement the individual chapters.
The site provides:
- Links to the full articles cited in the book so that readers can access the full text
- Self-test quizzes for each chapter
- Concise chapter outlines to aid in study
- Additional resources for writing in STEM disciplines